Potential Learning Loss during the Covid-19 Pandemic; Preliminary Case in Student of English Education Study Program, University Riau

Mahdum Mahdum, Sumarno Sumarno, Indra Primahardani, Dedi Futra, Riki Apriyandi Putra


This study is focused to find out the level of student learning loss during the Covid-19 pandemic. The samples are students in the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau University. The samples were taken directly by purposive sampling method. The data was collected in form of a summative response scale, using a Likert scale with five answer choices and collected through a google form. The data were analyzed quantitatively, and described descriptively and inferentially. The results showed that learning loss (aspect of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) was not found in students of the English Education Study Program. Lectures that have been directed to cognitive improvement found a value of 80.97%, while students who did not master the material obtained a score of 51.25%. Meanwhile, students who have not been able to apply lectures through mini research found a value of 53.73%. However, students have not been able to answer the lecturer's questions from different aspects at a value of 53.73%. In general, lectures conducted by English language education students at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Riau University, during the Covid-19 pandemic have not been categorized as learning loss.


affective; cognitive; psychomotor; learning loss; English education students

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