Students’ Perception of Home-STEM Project Kits for Science Learning in Junior High School

Z. Zulirfan, Y. Yennita, M. Rahmad


In general, our research aims to produce Kits for STEM at Home Project for Science subjects in Junior High Schools through several stages of research and development activities. In this paper, we report the results of the field trial of the STEM kit at home, specifically on the perception aspect of the STEM project. The topic we chose was Simple Machines which was taught to eighth grade students of SMP. Therefore, the specific purpose of this study was to obtain feedback from students on the use of the Home STEM Project kit in science learning on the topic of Simple Machines. A total of 33 students in one junior high school in Pekanbaru, Indonesia have participated as respondents in this study. Respondents gave their opinions through questionnaires after the Simple Machines learning was completed. Descriptive data analysis showed that almost all students showed a positive perception of the use of the Simple Machines STEM Project Kit in science learning. These positive perceptions include usefulness, convenience, attractiveness, flexibility, and relevance.



STEM Project Kit; Simple Machines; Junior High School Science Learning; Student Perception

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