Implementation Of Learning First Order Differential Equations By Using Students’ Worksheet

Armis Armis, Syofni Syofni


This study aims to analyze the implementation of learning first order differential equations by using students’ worksheet. These variables which have been examined in this study consist of (1) students’ activities during learning process, (2) students’ response about students’ worksheet, and (3) students’ opinion about implementation of learning first order differential equations by using students’ worksheet. The subjects of this study were students of Department of Mathematics Education FKIP Universitas Riau who studied differential equations course in odd semester of 2019/2020. Data was collected through (1) observed the students’ activities during learning process, (2) filled in students’ response questionnaires, and (3) interviewed these six students. From the data analysis obtained information that (1) students’ activities during learning process by using students’ worksheet was excellent, marked by students had great enthusiasm for studying first order differential equations, discussing in groups, solving the problems were given, etc., (2) the students’ response about students’ worksheet were excellent, marked by students’ worksheet can used as learning resource, students’ worksheet is very helpful for understanding materials, solving problems, etc., and (3) these students proposed in order that the lecturer used students’ worksheet as additional learning resources in learning differential equations.

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