Augmented Reality As a Basis For the Development of Student Worksheets to Study Biology

Wan Syafii, Zulfarina Zulfarina, Ade Diana Kharisma


The purpose of this research was conducted to develop student worksheets based on Augmented Reality (AR). This type of research is descriptive and it was carried out with the ADDIE model. Development is carried out on the concept of a virus. The results of the development were validated using a validation sheet consisting of didactic, construct and technical aspects. The validator consists of 5 people namely a media expert, a material expert, an education expert and two practical people (teachers). Validation results show a value of 3.8 with a very valid category for the didactic aspect, a value of 3.8 with a very valid category for the construction aspect and a value of 3.7 with a very valid category for the technical aspects. Conclusion, the research has been successful to developed student worksheets based on Augmented Reality (AR).

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