An Analysis Self-Reliance of Children Ages 5-6 Years in FKIP Laboratory Kindergarten Universitas Riau

Daviq Chairilsyah


The aspect of self-reliance in early childhood is not only for the life of children at this time but also affects the future of early childhood when they are adults. This research was conducted with quantitative descriptive methods to obtain a description of early childhood self-reliance aged 5-6 years in FKIP Laboratory kindergarten, Universitas Riau with a total of 7 indicators of early childhood self-reliance. The subjects in this research were 42 children aged 5-6 years. The data obtained and analyzed using a descriptive percentage formula.The results showed that the indicators of children's physical self-reliance are in the high category, children's confidence is in the good category, children responsible behaviour is in the good category and the discipline behaviour is in the good category. Furthermore, the indicators of children's sociable behaviour are in the good category, the children's sharing behaviour is in the good category and the ability to control children's emotions is in the good category. In general, it can be concluded that the level of children self-reliance at the age of 5-6 years in FKIP Laboratory Kindergarten is in good category.

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