Revitalization Analysis of the Orang Laut Language through the Local Load of Culture of the Orang Laut Community In Panglima Raja Village Concong District Indragiri Hilir Regency

Haryono Haryono


This research is titled Revitalization Analysis Of The Orang Laut Language Through The Local Load Of Culture Of The Orang Laut Community In Panglima Raja Village Concong District Indragiri Hilir Regency. Researchers are interested in researching because some of the field can be seen by the children of the Sea Tribe people aged 5 years to 10 years do not use the language of the sea people, ages 10 to 15 years only understand but are unable to use actively and aged 15 years to 20 years only use occasionally with sentences piece by piece. This research was conducted with the aim to find out how the Language Revitalization of Orang Laut Through Local Content of Orang Laut Culture and How the Orang Laut Language situation after being made Local Content in formal education in the Panglima Raja Village, Concong District, Indragiri Hilir Regency. This research method is quantitative descriptive, with the formula: P = f / n x 100%. The study population was the entire community of Panglima Raja Village, Concong Luar Subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir Regency, which amounted to 1,850 households. Because the subjects or respondents in this study were 1,850 households, the researchers only took 10% of the total sample of 185 households. Data collected through questionnaires, interviews, and later observations from the results of the study can be concluded that the research hypothesis was accepted or proven, it also answers the problem formulation, namely, how is the Revitalization of the Language of the Orang Laut through Local Content of Orang Laut Culture and How is the condition of the language of the Orang Laut after being made Local Content in formal education in the community of Panglima Raja Village Submission, Indragiri Hilir Regency, the Revitalization of the Language of the Orang Laut through Local Content The Culture of the Orang Laut Can Keep the Language of the Orang Laut Well Enough and For the Problem Formulation how the situation of the language of the Orang Laut after being made Local Content in formal education is also pretty Good, this is also evident with the percentage of 45% of respondents confirming Quite Good, according to Ridwan (2008 : 88). this percentage of 45% is good enough to state the revitalization of the language of the Orang Laut through the local content of the culture of the Orang Laut, besides, if analyzed based on Ridwan's opinion the number of tables states that the education is 45% good, this is a high percentage and almost close to a good percentage, however the reason why this research did not arrive at a good percentage after the research was done the cause was only one school, namely at SMAN 1 Concong District Indragiri Hilir Regency which runs the Local Orang Laut Language Program, even though there are elementary schools and junior high schools (SMP) ) which was circulated by the Education Office to implement the Local Content of the Language and Culture of the Orang Laut but was not implemented.

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