Gender Perspective Learning Methods: An Alternative in Learning Drama Appreciation for Students

Syofiani Syofiani, Hasanuddin WS, Syahrul Ramadhan, Romi Isnanda


This article describes issues related to gender perspective learning methods. The
aimed of this study is to improve drama appreciation learning for students. In the learning
process of drama appreciation with a gender perspective, it gives students an understanding that
the position and role of men and women in various family and community life are considered
the same. The components that are the focus of the discussion in this article are namely the
essence and the characteristics of drama appreciation learning and learning methods of
appreciation of innovation drama thus the students feel they have new insights in the learning
process, especially in drama appreciation learning. The students not only understand drama as a
literary and performing arts, but they also understand that gender issues are something that can
be used as a reference or model in drama appreciation learning. In learning process, the lecturer
should also be able to choose or obtain the drama texts that place the position of women at least
equal to men.


method,learning, gender perspective, drama appreciation learning

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