Evaluation, Simulation and Visualization Parabolic Motion Using Matlab as Physics Media Learning

Sharmila Sharmila, Muhammad Nasir


Kinetic is a physics branch that studies the motion. Parabolic motion is one of the subject in High School physics. All this time the media to learn parabolic motion can not be proven as a visual and mathematical angle in relation to the height and the farthest distance. Parabolic motion subject will be a lot more meaningfull if it were practiced, so the student can see the the value in parabolic motion. That is why there is need a development to construct an application that can give evaluation, simulation, and visualitation to the parabolic motion. The research method that were used is a reseatch and development ( R&D ). The research procedure refers to ADDIE's step, but the executed steps are analytic, design, development and heavy machinery test. The parabolic counting apps were constructed using the matlab version R2020a. The app interface were design with the tools GUI (Graphical user interface) in the matlab. From the result of an apps parabolic motion counter were achieved that the parabolic motion counting apps is working well and correct, from the simulation results, shown graphic and the buttons on the menu.So the apps to count the parabolic motion can be used as a learning media in High School physic.


physics learning; matrix laboratory; GUI; virtual laboratory

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