Activity and Mastery of Learning Materials Through the Application of the Learning Model

Yuliantoro Yuliantoro, Supentri Supentri


This study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive observational method that works to see the increase in student activity and mastery of material. Data collection uses observational assessment, documentation and reference studies on learning. The results of the study show that the activeness in learning is first, the activeness of reason is all student activities in the form of hearing and vision that must continue to be active or activated to solve problems, whether they are asked to weigh, formulate opinions and make decisions in the learning process through group discussion activities. Second, the activeness of memory is that during the discussion process in the learning process in class, students must actively accept the lesson materials presented which thematically the material has been delivered by the group of material presenters who have had their turn to perform, showing the level of student activity is very good, both of which have an average percentage. -average 89. The results of observations and assessments in the focus of this study, the researchers used the first two assessments by measuring the competence of mastery of the material without using a learning model approach, showing the average mastery of student material is 68, this also has a fairly good category assessment, but when treated by using the learning model approach of spider webs and walking sticks in discussion activities, it is more lively and even has an impact on the level of mastery of learning material mastered by students showing an average of 90, this indicates a very good category of mastery of the material possessed by students. The results of the competency mastery of student material based on discussion activities that have been carried out in learning in the lecture class show an increase in the competence of mastering student material well, this is based on observations and assessments made by researchers in learning activities.


Activeness; Mastery and Application of Learning Model

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