Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic for University Students: Academic Stress and Positive Affect

M. Arli Rusandi, Ledya Oktavia Liza


The declaration of COVID-19 as a global
pandemic by WHO resulted in implementing a lockdown to
suppress the spread of the virus. This has provided new
things in the implementation of daily life, especially in the
world of education. The performance of learning is usually
carried out directly but is currently carried out indirectly
through various technological applications. During the
COVID-19 pandemic, students must adapt to using the
application to participate in the implementation of online
learning. This study aims to determine the impact of online
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on students. The
method used in this research is a literature review obtained
through Google Scholar, APA PsycNet, and ScienceDirect
conducted in September 2021. The results of the analysis of
17 journals show that most students experience academic
stress, and only a tiny proportion feel a positive affect on
online learning during the covid 19 periods. It is
recommended that efforts be made to reduce academic stress
such as counseling, exercise, adequate rest, virtual group
counseling, and doing positive things.


Online learning; COVID-19 pandemic; academic stress; students; positive affect

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