Student Perceptions of Video-Sharing Websites as Learning Media in Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation Course

Diah Anugrah Dipuja, M Yogi Riyantama Isjoni, Neni Hermita, Naila Fauza, Lady Asia, Jesi Alexander Alim


This study aims to describe students' perceptions of the use of video sharing web-based learning media in environmental science and disaster mitigation courses.  This type of research is descriptive research using quantitative and qualitative methods.  The instrument used is a student perception questionnaire.  The subjects of this study were students of the University of Riau who took environmental science courses as many as 4 classes with a total of 90 students.  The results of the research show (1) can increase motivation and interest in learning very well and well.  (2) students' understanding of the material presented is quite good and the adequacy of the material provided in the video sharing web-based learning media is in a fairly good category;  (3) the advantages of web sharing video learning are so many that it adds to the student learning experience;  (4) Video-sharing websites  helps in online discussions;  (5) Video-sharing websites  in learning can be continued.  Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that students have a positive perception in the use of learning videos through youtube-based videos, so that these learning videos can be used to facilitate the learning process in environmental science courses and disaster mitigation.


student’s perception; video-sharing websites; learning media

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