Development of E-Worksheet of Integration Technique Rational Functions Different Linear Factors to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills

Hesty Marwani Siregar, Titi Solfitri, Syarifah Nur Siregar


The research aims to develop an e-worksheet technique to integrate an integral rational function of the factors of linear differences on integral calculus learning. The development of the e-worksheet is done using the model ADDIE. The subject in this research is the 3rd-semester students of Study Program of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Straight of the Universitas Riau as many as 15 people. The data collection instrument for the research is questionnaire validation experts, students' questionnaire responses, and tests mathematical creative thinking ability. The Data obtained were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative. Based on the validity test results, the e-worksheet is valid and feasible to use the student on integral calculus. Judging from the results of the test of the practicality of e-worksheet, the average percentage of the value of the practicality of 83.89 and is in the category of very practical. Refer to the test results effectiveness of e-worksheet, the average n-gain the ability of creative thinking mathematically student of 0.54 and is located in the medium category. Because the e-worksheet technique is the integration of an integral rational function of the factors of different linear meets the criteria for validity, practicality, and effectiveness, it can be said that the e-worksheet technique is the integration of an integral rational function of the factors of linear different can be developed to improve the ability of creative mathematical thinking of students on the subject of integral calculus.


creative; development; e-worksheet; integral; thinking

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