Assessment of Early Childhood Teachers in Mechatronic System-Based Innovative Learning Media in Indonesia

Rita Kurnia, Azriyenni Azhari Zakri, Piki Setri Pernantah, Triana Ramdha


Technological advancements must be used to
support education to make it more effective and efficient.
Creating learning media must be integrated with a
technological foundation that could potentially lead to learning
media innovations. This study employs descriptive research
and qualitative analysis, which may serve as a motivator for
early childhood teachers to prepare mechatronic-based
learning media and other technology-based learning media.
This study was conducted in Indonesia with 558 early
childhood teachers serving as informants to assess the need for
and use of mechatronic-based learning media in learning
activities. The data instrument is made up of three parts: 1) an
analysis of media needs; 2) the availability of supporting
learning media and facilities, and 3) limitations and difficulties
in using learning media. This study's findings indicate that
learning media based on mechatronics are most needed, more
appealing, affect early childhood development ability, and can
be used effectively for early childhood education with no major


assessment; early childhood teachers; learning media; innovative; mechatronics; Indonesia

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