Technologies as Online Learning Media: The Problems and Solutions in School

Hendri Marhadi, Mahmud Alpusari, Erlisnawati Erlisnawati, M. Yogi Riyantama


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our life in various aspects. One of which is the education aspect, especially the learning process. Learning was originally a face-to-face system which turns into online learning nowadays. One of the alternative methods in providing online learning services was using technology such as WhatsApp, Zoom Class, and Google Classroom as learning media. The use of technology as a medium in online learning had many drawbacks, especially in its use. This study was a literature review by examining various sources based on books, journals, and social media. The result of this study found that there were several problems that arose in learning with technology as an online learning medium, namely teacher's anxiety in using technology at the beginning of the pandemic and providing materials and assignments during the learning, and teacher's low ability to operate computers and gadgets.  The solutions were encouraging teachers to study some online learning platforms, providing infrastructure and guidance in the use of technology as a learning medium by local governments and schools, increasing teachers' technological competence by holding workshops, providing support for vulnerable families to have equipment and skills in using technology, and involving the participation of youth organizations such as Karang Taruna in accelerating the understanding of the use of technology for parents.


Technology; Media, Online Learning; Covid-19 Pandemic

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