Interactions Using Technology in Language and Literature University Classrooms: Optimizing Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Learning during Disruption-Covid 19 Era

Akhyar Rido


The era of COVID-19 pandemic and disruption has made thousands of educational institutions closed most of their classes and millions of educators transformed face-to-face into online mode of learning. Following this, early 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia required all levels of education from elementary school to university shifted in-person to online learning mode as the main learning process in all subjects. The objective of this study was to look at how lecturers atEnglish department in auniversity in Indonesia optimize interactions using technology through synchronous and asynchronous platforms during disruption-covid era. Employing a qualitative approach, this study observed thirty language skills and literature subjects for two semesters. The findings indicated that, in terms of synchronous platform, the lecturers used video conference for facilitating student-lecturer and student-student interactions mainly through lectures, presentations, and discussions. In terms of asynchronous platform, the lecturers utilized the university open online course or SPADA, the university youtube channel Kuliah Teknokrat, and the university library online public access catalogue or OPAC and e-journals for facilitating student-lecturer, student-student, and student-learning material interactions through activities such as structured assignment, independent project, autonomous learning, and peer correction. As a result, most of the students successfully completed the subjects and many of them published their works in journals, newspapers, and anthologies. This study suggests that language and literature lecturers and relevant stakeholders could implement synchronous and asynchronous platforms in their online classrooms as it could foster students’ engagement and make learning more productive.


interaction; online learning; asynchronous; synchronous; language and literature classrooms

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