Development of Inquiry-Based Student Worksheets in Analytical Microbiology Subjects for Bacterial Growth Dynamics in Biology Education Students at Riau University

Irda Sayuti


The inquiry-based Student Development Worksheet Research aims to create LKM products that are suitable for use in the Analytical Microbiology course on Bacterial Growth Dynamics. The research was carried out at the University of Riau's Biology Education Study Program. The research subjects used included a validation team, and 30 students of Riau University Biology Education. Research stages include; problem analysis, MFI preparation, Validation, Revision, small group test, limited group test and MFI Products. The validation of the developed MFI was considered to be in the very good / very feasible category with the worthiness of the material worthiness of 90.41%, content presentation 88.83%, inquiry component 87.29%, design 86.66% and students 86%

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