Existence of Lontiok House as a Cultural Heritage and Application of Cultural Values

Isjoni Isjoni, Asyrul Fikri, Yuliantoro Yuliantoro, M. Yogi Riantama


This research is to find the existence of lontiok houses as cultural heritage and the application of cultural values in the life of Kampar Riau Province. This study uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic research methods as well. The results showed that the structure of the lontiok house had a meaning. The shape of stilt houses is useful to avoid catastrophic floods and wild animal attacks. Other parts such as the arch on the roof, is a symbol of respect for God Almighty. The number of stairs of 5 refers to the five pillars of Islam. Lontiok house is three rooms, which is in accordance with the proverbial life of the Kampar community, namely nature of friends, nature together, and natural shame. Building a lontiok house is done with the discussion of the ninik mamak. Once agreed, the house is built in mutual cooperation. However, not all of the values contained in the lontiok house are applied by the local community. Some houses still apply only to the form of houses on stilts. This condition is caused by changes in people's lifestyles and the inclusion of culture from outside, which requires adjustments to the concept of a more modern residence.

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