Ananalysis of Validation of Social Sciences Teaching Materials Based on Songket of Malay Siak Weaving

Guslinda Guslinda, Rita Kurnia, Lisa Safitri


This research was motivated by the low understanding of students about local culture, especially clothing culture, especially clothing about Songket of Siak weaving. Considering that in social studies learning in elementary school class IV that is the theme of learning, namely the beauty of togetherness with the sub-theme of national cultural diversity. The purpose of this research is to produce the product in the form of social studies of elementary school teaching materials for class IV. The method used in this research was the 4-D method proposed by Thiagarajan et al (Muliyatiningsih, 2011) consistts of 4 stages namely; (1) definition; (2) design; (3) development. (4) deployment. In this research, it was only carried out at stage D3, namely the development stage by testing of experts and practitioners. The test results obtained excellent assessments both from experts and education practitioners. It was shown by the results of the validation of the RPP by experts and practitioners-got a score of 90.45% with a very good category. Meanwhile, the results of the validation of teaching materials from experts and practitioners got a score of 90.2% with a very good category Then it can be concluded that the development of IPS teaching materials based on Malay of Songket weaving for grade IV elementary school is feasible to use.

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