The Effectiveness of Using Hand-Out Teaching Materials in the Learning of Microeconomic Theory Courses in the Students of Economic Education FKIP of Riau University

Gani Haryana


The research aims to formulate the use of hand-out as teaching materials in the subject of Microeconomic Theory, creating “embryos” which will be developed into reference books for Microeconomic Theory courses, knowing the effectiveness of using hand-outteaching materials in improving the learning outcomes of Microeconomic Theory courses at the FKIP University Economic Education Study Program. The results of this study indicate that the existence of hand-out makes the lacture process more passionate, hand-outs that are shared with students become teaching materials that can help student make it easier to understand the material, learning otcomes between those who use hand-outs and those who do not use there are differences in mean learning outcomes of 18,78 (intervals 0-100), the use of hand-outs as teaching materials has increased 34,78% learning outcomes in the subjects of Microeconomic Theory in student of the Economic Education Study Program FKIP University of Riau.


Hand-out, learning outcomes

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